When Should You Go for a Hearing Test?

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The average age of people living in Shropshire is increasing. One common and natural effect of aging is gradual hearing loss. Along with other causes, such as loud noise exposure, genetic predisposition, or earwax buildup we will all encounter some potential cause of hearing loss as we move through life. One in five adults in the UK suffer with some form of hearing loss or tinnitus. Therefore, we must all stay aware of the early signs of developing hearing loss, so that we can get hearing tests and catch it early and manage it effectively. Rapid treatment is associated with better health outcomes for both adults and children and can stop hearing loss developing into deafness. Treating your hearing loss can have beneficial results in many areas of your life. You can feel less isolated, more confident, more aware of your surroundings and have a better understanding of your hearing loss.

Signs and symptoms of hearing loss

In Shropshire, there are more than 64000 people who experience some form of hearing loss. There may be many more who are not yet aware of their hearing impairment. As hearing loss often develops gradually, people compensate before they realise that they are struggling to hear. These compensations may require increased focus or lifestyle adaptations, this can take a toll on their emotional health and leave them feeling tired.

Early signs that you or a loved one may be suffering from hearing loss:

  • Difficulty understanding conversations, especially when people are wearing masks
  • Asking people to repeat themselves
  • Feeling very tired after social situations, after having to focus on lip-reading
  • Electronic devices requiring higher and higher volumes
  • Mumbling
  • Changes in Balance or Dizziness: Hearing loss can sometimes be accompanied by balance problems or feelings of dizziness. 

Oftentimes our loved ones may notice these symptoms in us before we do. If you or someone you know seems to be exhibiting some of these symptoms, politely suggest they go for a hearing test.

Of course, if your hearing care professional can catch your hearing loss before any noticeable symptoms, even better. There are several factors that increase your likelihood of impaired hearing. If these apply to you, it may be worth having more regular screening hearing checks.

Age-Related Hearing Changes

As mentioned above, it’s very common for hearing to change with age. Gradual hearing loss as we age is called presbycusis. Wear and tear of the ear is normal for a healthy 40-year-old, but people often avoid hearing tests until they are much older. It can start as struggling to hear higher-pitched sounds and develop further. As one in three people are over 65, it is important that as we approach older age, we get our hearing checked more regularly.

Loud Noise Exposure

People who work in loud environments, such as factories or construction sites, and those who enjoy loud leisure activities, like gigs and loud music are much more likely to experience damage to their inner ears. It’s essential to take steps to protect your hearing in these environments, and schedule in checkups often, if you’re regularly exposed to loud noise.

Medical Conditions and Medications 

Some medical conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well as some medications, can contribute to hearing loss. Your healthcare provider should make you aware of these potential side effects, and you can plan in more regular hearing tests accordingly.

Family History of Hearing Loss 

There is definitely a genetic component to deafness and hearing loss. Most of the genes discovered relate to early-development deafness. However, some research suggests that deafness in older people could also be inherited. People with a family history of hearing loss are at more risk of developing a hearing impairment and should monitor their hearing ability more closely.

It’s Never Too Early to Book a Hearing Test

This blog has laid out the common symptoms and causes of hearing loss. Whether it’s natural aging, loud noise exposure, family history or some life change, we are all likely to need a hearing test at some point in our lives. Prioritising our hearing health can save us a lot of effort and isolation down the road. Having access to regular hearing screenings and prompt treatment are amongst the main benefits and in turn will provide a better quality of life.

If you’re wanting to improve your hearing health, you can get in touch with our experienced audiologists at Cambrian Hearing in Oswestry to find out more about the services we offer. Or book hearing test now!